This project is funded by
the European Union

Working without any worry
Sidra is a 2.4 years old girl. Her mother, moved from Sylhet six months ago. Sidra’s father did not take responsibility for the family which forced her mother to displace the family in search of livelihood. Upon moving across the country, Sidra’s mother began to search for work. Her father however, spent time sleeping or not doing anything. In the past he had worked and earned a little as a mason, but nowadays he didn’t bother to find work to support his family. Moreover, the savings Sidra’s mother brought with her from village were almost depleted. In this circumstance, all of a sudden, Sidra’s father abandoned her and her mother and returned to their village without telling his family, and soon after remarried and cut all contact with Sidra and her mother.
Sidra and her mother were left all alone and her mother was becoming increasingly anxious. In the meantime, Sidra’s mother she managed a job in a garments factory as an operator. However she was plagued with questions spinning around her head. Where she would keep her daughter? How would she continue her job? If she failed to continue the work, then how would she feed her family?
In this difficult situation, Phulki Day Care Center came as a blessing for Sidra’s mother. Sidra’s Aunt informed her mother about it in the area where also other working mothers were keeping their children from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm. Sidra’s aunt also keeps her daughter in this day care center and she was pleased with its functioning and found her child was learning a lot there.
After visiting the center Sidra’s mother felt reassured and determined to admit her daughter there. Sidra went on to be admitted on August, 2017. This came as a relief to Sidra’s mother as this meant she would not have to send her daughter back to her maternal grandmother and thereby only see her once a year. Furthermore, Sidra’s mother can work without having to worry about her daughter. On days when her work finished before 8pm Sidra’s mother also attends the Woman’s Café to learn new skills. She is grateful to the Day Care Center for caring for Sidra as well as providing new opportunities for her to continue learning new things.